Sunday, January 17, 2010

another day another disappointment

woke up this morning, feeling like crap.... couldnt shake this feeling of dread.... watched tv, didnt help , talked to a friend, made me feel worse

its like the world is moving on and leaving me stuck in a vast gaping hole.... nothing seems to be going the way i want or even remotely close to what i want.....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

dissapointment in the form of a friend

i have this friend, that i love alot, she is normally there for me when i need her, but as of lates, she has been pushing me aside.... and i dont know why.... it hurts to think that something said or did can control a friendship as such, but it has.... i helped push her into college, i get a thanks, im trying to help her better herself but to no avail.... i feel as though i am getting walked on, and theres nothing i can do about it

Friday, January 15, 2010


so im not new to blogging,not in the least bit, but i am new to blog spot.... be gentle with me... i am a single mother who goes to school full time and i may or may not have the time to get to blogging.... i shall try my best...

as far as you the readers are concerned, i dont want anyone to grade my grammar, or spelling.... i am doing this as a way to get my word out, im not trying to change minds or move mountains, the main purpose is to find others who are like minded.... i have a broad range of topics i wish to speak about and i love a good debate, as long as it is clean and purely in fun... i will not type of religion, thats a no no, you believe what you want, dont try to convert me .... other than that, have fun with ife, its the only one you got ....

